Jared Harél
Jared Harél has been awarded the ‘Stanley Kunitz Memorial Prize’ from American Poetry Review, as well as the ‘William Matthews Poetry Prize’ from Asheville Poetry Review. Additionally, his poems have appeared in such journals as the Bennington Review, Massachusetts Review, The Southern Review, and Tin House. Harél teaches writing at Nassau Community College, plays drums, and lives in Queens, NY with his wife and two kids.

Photo Courtesy of Ilan Harél, Photographer
Go Because I Love You
March 2018
Go Because I Love You, the debut poetry collection by Jared Harél, is a book of arrivals and departures. It is about childhood and parenthood, desire and obligation, about who we love and how we stay. Through a series of poems which interweave the domestic and daily with the political and historical, Harél crafts a portrait of 21st-century American life that is humorous, haunting and utterly human.