SK Rancy
SK Rancy is a writer born to Haitian immigrants in South Florida. He is a graduate of Columbia University, where he earned a BA in English, comparative literature and biology. He has been a longlist finalist for the Button Poetry Chapbook Contest, a finalist for Tupelo Quarterly’s TQ24 Poetry Prize, and his poetry has been published or is forthcoming in Columbia New Poetry, Intima: A Journal of Narrative Medicine, Ars Medica, Apogee, Seventh Wave, Moko Magazine, Adirondack Review, Porridge Magazine, and Sargasso: A Journal of Caribbean Literature, Language & Culture. He has been a semi-finalist for Black Lawrence Press’ Big Moose Prize and a finalist for the University of New Orleans’ Publishing Laboratory Contest for his unpublished novel Beyond The Baths Of Stars. His debut full poetry collection, Dreams Of Diaspora, is forthcoming from Finishing Line Press in 2023. In his spare time, he is a surgical resident in Manhattan.

Photo of the author SK Rancy courtesy of Jemille Rancy, photographer
Self-Portrait In Hospital As Camus
April 2023
Mediating on the absurd, the existential, and the sincere, the poems in Self-portrait In Hospital As Camus struggle with the futility of scientific and philosophical tenets of objectivity as framed by human suffering within the hospital’s walls. In vacillating between praising the wonder of human anatomy and scientific discovery while decrying the senselessness of man’s achievements and ambitions in the face of a meaningless and finite existence, this collection reaches its crescendo in the only reasonable apotheosis: if nothing matters, everything must.